April 27, 2013
Dear Hannah,
A year has passed since you sat down and wrote this letter to yourself. Wondering what to write to encapsulate the thoughts that swirl around head and hardly make sense to yourself, let alone the people you try to explain yourself to. You are not in school anymore, so it's been a little while since you thought in terms of grades as a measure of worth. In fact, you say, grades never mattered that much anyways. But I'm here to say that over the course of this year, you have made so much progress in the way you live your life that you have earned an "A" in my grade book.
You have been navigating the waters of independence now for about three years, and this no longer frightens you. You've learned to ask for help when you need it. All of the obstacles that have come your way and all of the people who have so generously offered their love and support have helped you realize that you're never alone. Inspired by the altruism and wisdom of so many kind souls, you have made it a priority in your life to love others. To find the good and embrace it. To humble yourself and listen even when you think you already understand what they are trying to say. To give with intention, and without expectation. To laugh, dance, and hug freely, and embrace the differences in individuals.
In embracing your spontaneous spirit of creativity, you have also come to see commitment as a vital ingredient in lasting change. The challenges that you so desperately tried to avoid previously have reared their heads and you have met them with confidence, knowing that they are the seeds of growth. Many of the problems and obstacles have been of your own making- caused by thought and behavior patterns which did not let you see the sun light. In simply realizing this fact, you have become more honest, more patient, and more accepting of your own short comings. Instead of the constant internal dialogue of self doubt, you have come to find more and more productive things to think about.
I don't know where you are living right now, or where you are working, whether you are dating anyone. All that I know for sure is that you are OK. You are standing on your own two feet, enjoying life, and finding ways to contribute to a better society. Instead of guilt, shame, or pity, you find empowerment.
With all the love in the world, and in gratitude for all of the work and challenges you have undertaken, I give you this outstanding grade. Here's to an eternity of good will!