Sometimes she is a wanderer- spending years on end peacefully sailing across oceans or riding trains across the country making friends with everyone she meets.
Sometimes this girl solves all the world's problems with one weird trick. She brings peace to warring nations using an obvious solution that was sitting in front of everyone the whole time, unnoticed.
Needless to say, she has it all figured out. She has perfect relationships with every family, friend, and lover. Never forgets to bake a cake and paint a card for their birthdays. She's the person everyone calls when they need help or a kind word, and she jumps in without hesitation, always knowing exactly what to do.
Her mind is agile and her body is sharp. She doesn't need any sleep, so she has more time to read every novel and memorize every poem.
Sometimes she is a seeker, always wanting to know and see more, and sometimes she is content in the splendor of her surroundings.
Sometimes she followed a path from which the real me veered away. She is the professional violist now playing with the Cleveland Orchestra, or the dancer now in ABT.
But sometimes, the person I want to be is the person that I really am. And all these other me's fade into the background of my soul. But they are not unimportant. They give me insight into what I value most. They usually underscore some part of my life that I am not happy with, helping to make meaningful changes. Best yet, they keep me company with exciting adventures in my mind!
I will never be exactly the person I want to be because of her elusive and otherworldly nature, but I can gradually become more like her.
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